Thursday, June 25, 2009


Lately i have been working with the principle dominion.  The past years have brought opportunities that are challenging in the form of relationships,  so what I am discovering is that there is a fine line between establishing dominion in my life, and shutting down emotions and reactions because it is easier to avoid looking at the situation head on.  There is an invitation here to look at control vs. standing on my highest sense of life.  With a difficult relationship in my life it is easy to want to cut it out,  simply stop seeing someone. life is full and it would be easy to move along,   yet in the very nature of dominion itself, there is an expansive quality of compassion that opens up and  includes everyone. The inclusiveness never shuts down or picks or chooses.  "God's rain falls on the just and the unjust."  I'm the one who determines what is just or unjust.  God's rain simply falls.  So that is the exploration for now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

day one

This is the first of some comments about the spiritual life. About finding a path and finding companions there. I found my own spiritual teaching long ago - one which has brought me great joy.